Sunday, March 21, 2021

On Being 'Woke' , The Cancel Culture, and the Current State of Our Country, and Governor Cuomo

 I seem to always start a blog with an excuse of why I hadn't posted in such a long time.  My last post was September 11 as I always try to always  recognize that day as one of the worst in our country's history. We were in the midst of a Presidential election between Trump/Pence and Biden/Harris.  I knew then what the outcome would be and I just didn't have the heart to even point out the obvious issues with Biden. Everyday on TV you could see his mistakes, misquotes, lies, blunders and his hiding away in his basement.  He sat out the campaign under the specter of Covid. None of that changed how I knew that Biden would win because the liberal machine would do what ever it took to make it happen. They did just that,  Biden is a racist, Kamala said so repeatedly on the debate stage.  It was magic the way that he lost his racism as soon as he picked Kamala as his running mate. She is a heartbeat or a gaffe away from being president, and she is counting the days.  The only thing that makes her possible rise to POTUS somewhat palatable  is that Hillary will have a stroke.  I will be surprised if he makes it a year. He cannot answer off the cuff questions from the press and in fact has yet to hold a news conference.  When he does his questions will be vetted by his handlers.   He has already figuratively opened the southern border.  People by the thousands are coming to the border and we are stuck.  Trump had successfully controlled the problem and the Fence was going to really help and then Biden came.  I love the way a lot of the illegals are wearing Biden tee-shirts.  Remember when Trump was accused of putting kids in cages(that incidentally Obama built) the outrage was horrific.  Well Biden is using the same places to house illegals.  The left is quiet on the matter even when the press is denied access.   In the month of February the border agents have detained over 100,000 illegals.  When interviewed they say they are coming for health care, and jobs.  That's great.  Who is going to pay for those items including food, housing and education?  The democrats' are looking at these illegals as future voters.   Biden is  allegedly a moderate democrat.  We shall see if he can hold that title while battling with the progressive/socialist members of his party.  

Governor Cuomo is under a lot of stress as of late.  Last year he implemented the single most successful purging of the elderly since the holocaust.  His directive to send Covid positive patients back to elderly nursing homes was a travesty. He then wrote a book about how successful his plan was.  The problem was he  lied about the number of deaths and was outed by one of his top aids.  To add insult to injury the murderous decision he made is being over shadowed by multiple complaints of sexual misconduct.  The number of women of women complaining are up to 8 currently.  Other than the Democrats in his state the left has been mostly silent.  This is the same 'left' that excoriated Brett Kavanaugh during his hearings for the Supreme Court over the unsubstantiated accusations from a single woman about a college party that no one remembers. Just this last week Biden said that it needs to be investigated and that Cuomo should resign if allegations are true.  Pelosi was notably quiet until the second woman came forward and even then what she said was very measured. As of this writing Kamala Harris has not said anything.  You will recall how outspoken she was at the Kavanaugh hearing.  Hypocrites.  What I see is the death of the thousands of elderly due to his mandate  that  is being overshadowed  by  his sexual assault accusations.  The fact that he is a sexual predator is secondary to those who lost loved ones.   

A year ago, truthfully as little as two months ago, I thought being 'woke' was what happened when my feet hit the floor and I had to pee. I have now have to say I probably am still asleep.  I am concerned, sensitive, and aware  of others' feelings and will go out of my way not to purposefully hurt someone.  It happens though and when I do I sincerely apologize. That's what adults do. Now an offending person stands a chance of being "canceled".  This dovetails into my feelings of our  current Cancel culture. To be canceled is to  stop giving support to a person, or a place.  It is rampant as of late.  I was reminded by a relative about the Dixie Chicks.  For those who don't remember they were a female vocal group who sang country music.  On a stage in London 2003   they came out against President Bush and said they were embarrassed by him, the crowd loved it. Their base not so much.  Keep in mind that their base was comprised of  mostly conservative, pro American men and woman who love country music and this happened 2 years after 9/11.  Their comment was met with record burnings, concert cancelling and the like.  They were allowed to voice their opinion  but were stupid by not realizing they were pissing on the source of their paycheck.  To make matters worse they refused to apologize.  Good for them and they are just now starting to make a comeback. The fact is that the cancel culture is the new McCarthyism of the woke generation and according to Henry Olsen in an opinion piece in the Washington Post it is a mob composed  of  the intellectually intolerant. Something you said or did  as a child can come back and ruin you as an adult.  Case in point the canceled Teen Vogue newly hired editor, Alexi McCammond.  She apparently made some insensitive comments in a tweets about Asians when she was 17.  She admitted her fault and deeply apologized.  She, in fact in the job interview, let them know about the deleted tweets but despite her "remarkable work  in journalism elevating the voices of marginalized communities" she was forced to resign.  Some of her coworkers felt uncomfortable.  Awwwwww poor unforgiving snowflakes.  Apparently sincere apologies are not  accepted.  Take note Gov. Cuomo even though your apologies did not sound sincere.  We have a right to our own opinions and should not be afraid to share them for fear of being ruined.  We cannot cancel our history by removing statues, or canceling books and movies that were written at the time when those beliefs, names and traditions were accepted.  We should and have learned greatly from those times and from our mistakes in the past.  If what we are hearing the loudest from a few in society,  please let me stay asleep.