Happy Birthday to my son. I had a blast looking through boxes of pictures and had to really limit myself. I had added several from his wedding to Syd but took them out because I already have the same pictures on a previous blog. Josh you are such a gift from God and I thank Him daily for allowing me to help you grow.
I have been a nurse for 45 years and have the sore feet to prove it. I was married(for 39 years) to Stanley. He passed away this last May. I have two children: Rebekah(married to Shane) who is mother to Winston and the twins Patton and Aster and Joshua who is daddy to Aries and Allison. My daughter is a nurse practitioner and my son works in the hospitality field. I have two dogs who rule the roost in my home! I started writing my blog to keep family informed about my daughter's wedding and have kept it up with political comments, things that irritate me, and just whatever strikes my fancy. I have a life filled with work, joy and sometimes sadness. I hope that in reading my blog you can laugh at what life leads my way and empathize with the rare sorrow that happens.