Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day Rebekah and Sydni

This day is bittersweet for me every year since mom died.  I miss her every day. I have blogged before that every once in a while I will dream a dream about her.  I am always so happy to see her and talk with her.  In my dream I know that she is supposed to be dead but somehow it doesn't matter.  I talk with her and can feel her love for me like a tangible thing.  For a short time I am enveloped in her love and all is right with my world.  Then I wake up.  And cry.  She would be so thrilled with her family and her great grandchildren.  I see her in things that my children say or do so she is never far from my thoughts.  I am grateful that she was my mom.  I am grateful that she loved my sisters and me and that she believed in us. 

I am the mom to my two children and they have children of their own and it makes my heart happy to see the mothers of my grandchildren interact with their offspring.  My daughter-in-law Sydni Hart is a wonderful mom to Aries and to Allison.  I watched her yesterday at Winston's birthday  and I am so grateful that she is their mom.  She is unflappable.  I know she is probably laughing at this statement but that is the way that I see her.  She is such a wonderful  mom and my grandchildren are safe in her arms and heart. 

Rebekah, my youngest child, gave me my last two grandchildren at once.  She is mom to Winston, Patton and Aster.  I have had the honor of helping her for the last month and a half and I am so grateful that I had that opportunity.  I have been able to shift my work schedule to the weekends and have been staying with her during the week.  I have been so blessed to be able to watch the changes in the babies.   She is a full time working mom just like I was and will be returning to work in June.  She will juggle work and home.  I am and always have been in awe of her.  She is a wonderful mom and I am thrilled when I see her with her babies.  The love that she has is a visible thing and I sometimes will watch her with the twins and I am so glad that they have her for a mom.  Grandma Lucky would be so very proud. 

Lord on this day I ask you to put angels around Rebekah and Sydni and give them the strength, love, wisdom and joy that it takes to raise their babies.  I ask that you pour blessing down on them and give them the energy and patience that it takes to raise their young.  I pray for their health and their happiness.  I ask that you guard and protect them each day as they go about their lives.  I ask this in Jesus name. 

Happy Mother's Day.  I love you both.