At any rate the physical act of getting out of the house and doing something calmed me down enough that I made it home. I never did take a nap and by evening dinner I was in good form. I don't believe I acted stupid but I am telling you I got everything done. It is a somewhat false accomplishment but still I did it. We had 15 people dine with us and it was a delicious meal. I finished up the preparing the breakfast casseroles with help from Ginny and Taylor and bid them good bye about midnight. By 4am I was back up, lit the fire, lit the tree, finished the leftover dirty dishes, mopped the kitchen floor, put the casseroles in the oven, started the meat, beat the eggs and made the Mimosas, let the dogs out and made the coffee. I was READY. Christmas again was good. Shane and Becky came over at 630am and we ate and opened presents. It was a lovely time. Joshua said this was the best ever. Below is our family picture 2007.
Next on to New Years Eve. Those of you not from around here may be unfamiliar with the Mardi Gras Season of huge parties prior to Lent starting. There are multiple social clubs called Krewes. Each krewe puts on a party and takes part in parades where you eat drink, be merry and catch beads. It really is a delightful part of the Lenten season. On New Years Eve The Krewe of Apollo put on their bash. We had a blast. This years theme was Gods, Goddesses, Kings and of course Queens. Apollo is the gay krewe and is the best fun to go to. This year you could come in costume or formal with a mask. Becky, Shane, Emile(Shane's friend) Becky's friend from work, Joshua, Desiree and her husband Patrick,Jeremy, Lisa, Lauren, Cory, and yours truly all sat at the same table. You all, did we have a good time...YES!!!!! Becky entered the costume contest, Joshua and Cory escorted Ted Viator(he went as Aphrodite) around the room in a chariot, throwing beads. We danced laughed, visited and drank champagne until midnight then went to breakfast. I haven't been out, really out since I can remember and this was the best time.
I am now off my Prednisone and am waiting to see if the pain in my hands and wrists return. I was able to do so much during the holidays that it will be a shame if I get 'stove' up again but I am feeling more normal now and was finally able to sleep 6 hours the other day and that is a true blessing.