Tuesday, September 10, 2019

September 11, 2001. 18 Years and Counting

I remember like it was yesterday.  Debbie Quebedeaux called me and woke me up with the news that we had been attacked.  I stayed glued to the TV all day and cried.  I cannot explain to someone who doesn't remember that day what it meant to me.  Watching the towers collapse took my breath.  I cried till my chest hurt.  Watching the people leap from the windows taking their own lives devastated me but it was the last thing they had control of and made that horrific decision.  We promised to never forget. We promised to never forget that Islamic Extremists want our country destroyed.   We stood together holding our flags as we watched memorial service after memorial service.  We grieved for people we didn't know as if they were family.  We pulled together and we were proud to be Americans.  I do not recognize our 2019 country .  When Obama was elected in 2009 he promised to fundamentally transform the United States of America.  He ushered in our rapid decent into the country that we are today.  People bash President Trump but I voted for him and will do so again.  God forbid if we have another 9/11 like incident.  If we do the best man to deal with it would be Trump
 On 9/11, 2001 we had an enemy.  This enemy wanted to destroy us and drop us to our knees. This enemy had a face and an ideology. This enemy didn't realize that an all out attack against our country would galvanize and bring us together. What I see happening now is an internal attack against our morals, values, and our uniqueness that makes us the greatest country in the world. That damage done by this kind of attack may be permanent as we are complacent. 

I will never forget and I will tell my grandchildren about that day.  I will not give them a watered down version about what happened.  I will tell them the day that America changed.  We cannot take our eyes off of our freedom and allow others to take away what was given to us  in the constitution. We can never forget. what Ronald Reagan said "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction" 

God Bless America

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