Friday, September 11, 2020

September 11, 2020

 It has been 19 years since we were attacked by Muslim extremists.  They wanted to bring us to our knees.  Instead  as Adm. Isoroku Yamamoto said after the attack on Pearl Harbor " I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."  We were united, Americans all.  All races, religions, sexes for a time nothing else mattered except our love for the United States.   Our country currently is in turmoil with an increase in domestic terror groups.  Attacks on police officers are at an all time high.  I want these horrible angry people to remember that on that day police officers and firemen ran into those towers to rescue as many people as they could.  They didn't differentiate between black, white, gay, straight, Muslim or Christian.  THEY GAVE THEIR LIVES FOR EVERYONE IN THOSE BUILDINGS. I wonder if ANTIFA or BLM had been active back then if they would have run in to save their sisters and brothers.  I would  bet not.  I wonder if any of those rescued have produced 19 year olds who are rioting and screaming for the death of police officers.  

We have a generation of people who have no investment in the memories of that awful day.  When we say "Never Forget" I bet that many have no clue the agony of that day, the tears shed for people we did not know.  They won't understand  the feeling of pride hearing the recording of Todd Beamer on United Airlines Flight 93 telling his fellow passengers to "lets roll!!" as they took over the flight  so that it would not crash into another building.  They knew that they were going to die.  They are all Heroes. 

Teach your children and grandchildren what happened on that day. That day when we all came together. 

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