It's been awhile since I sat down to blog. I was sick. I couldn't talk...and I know you are thinking that my laryngitis probably didn't affect my hands. It didn't except from the standpoint that I was so dadgum depressed that I was having trouble thinking. Illness seems to do that to me... I am not sick enough to stay home so I go to work and share my wondrous personality with those poor people that I work with. I also cry. A lot. I cry about everything. The low grade fever that I had seemed to settle in my joints particularly my wrists( I have been having tendon trouble in my wrists...whine, whine, whine) The low point was when I couldn't get out of the car because it hurt to damn bad to twist my wrist.... so I sat there and cried.... till I figured out a way to get out of my car. This long intro brings me to my first thing I am thankful for and that is my sisters. I talked ( in a painful whisper) to Barbara and I cried. A lot. She notified Patti and she called and I whispered to her for a while and cried. A lot. Both of them cared about me and I could feel it over the phone. I think they wanted to beat someone or thing up for me to make me better...isn't that great!! They love me and I am so thankful for that love and caring. There is no one who can really make you feel better than your mom... and if your mom is gone like mine is then it's your sisters, and God gave me some really first class, gold star, A #1 sisters. Thanks God!
During this same time I would walk into the house and start to cry for no good reason... maybe the sink was full or there wasn't enough milk for my coffee..WHATEVER .. and this brings me to the #2 thing I am thankful for and that is Stan. Nearly 28 years of marriage has taught this man to make sympathy noises and to stay out of the way AFTER he has done the hug, shoulder patting thing. He really makes an attempt to find out what is wrong and pretty much knows whatever it is is made much worse by the fact that I don't feel well. This time he convinced me to go with him to his hunting lease in Mississippi for my two days off( my next post will be about the hunting lease with pics... not to be missed!!!)AND he sweetened the pot and volunteered to get my 23 boxes of Christmas decorations out of the attic when we got back. This is really huge because just seeing the multiple boxes of Christmas things makes his blood pressure go up! Stanley cooks. Isn't that the best thing. He really cooks well. Not only that but he can hunt for our food if necessary. One of my best Thanksgiving/Christmas time was in Texas and my Mom was staying with us. Stan killed a wild turkey and we stuffed it with wild rice dressing. It was fabulous and mom talked about that meal for years. Stanley loves me too..... and at one point I think he would have beat someone or something up for me just to make me feel better. Thanks God for Stanley.
The next thing I am thankful for is my children. When I was feeling really bad and still at work my daughter came to visit me with Shane. Now the big thing here is that she had gotten off at 11 from her bad night to come and give me a kiss and a hug and to tell me that she loved me. It made me cry. A lot. Joshua had been hugging me a lot the first day or two I was sick and made all the good noises. The day after Becky came to see me, Joshua came upon me sitting eating cereal with the tears rolling down my face.... and he yelled at me. That made me cry more but I listened to what he had to say and it was good. I needed to get off my butt, start exercising, stay on my diet and get enough rest and STOP crying!!!. Sometimes yelling is really good and Joshua picked a good time because I woke up feeling better, and was able to talk again. I know that my kids love me and would go the extra mile if I needed it. I am so grateful that God picked just those kids for me. I look at my children and the people that they have become and I am so happy that I have had part in developing who they are. My 'babies' are my joy. Thanks God!!!
Well let's see.... I am thankful for my sisters, husband, kids... that is a pretty short list(it is the most important) so let me just name a few more items..... I am also thankful that I can still get up and go to work, that I have a job that I enjoy, that I have dogs who make me laugh, that I CAN laugh at most anything especially myself, that I have a house to live in, and that I love holidays. I am thankful for the food at my table, my patio, my new tennis shoes, Gavalia coffee, and my tap shoes and Ebay. I am thankful for my country, my freedom, my health and most of all Jesus.
Thanks God!!