Hi again, I promised more pictures of our retirement home and its surroundings. It actually is beautiful up in that neck of the woods(woods being the important word here....did I mention my fear of spiders?)at any rate the following are a continuation of our place in Eden.
When you start to feel overproud about your home then sure enough someone else moves in and does their place up nice like yours.( I think they must have some envy going on) The community of hunters mostly live in vacation homes like the one below.

Stan got me on his 4 wheeler and took me for a ride. I really had a good time. My only dissappointment was that I didn't get a picture of me on the back. He has several deer stands and 2 of them needed repair. The picture below is one that he repaired the top cover on. Apparently someone else was using his stand while he wasn't there and shot a hole in the canvas... can you say 'drunk'... poor ole' boy got excited when he saw the deer and missfired or else that big ole' buck sprouted wings and was flying overhead!

The next picture is looking down the road from where his stand is located. This really is pretty country all joking aside.

Stan hunts from a stand but alot of the hunters use dogs. They drop their dogs in at one section of the woods and the dogs chase the deer thru past the deer stands of the other hunters. Stan doesn't do that, he creates a feed plot and when Bambi et al come to eat, he shoots them. I am pretty much teasing Stanley here because if I didn't have deer sausage in my freezer I wouldn't be very happy and he does keep me supplied in sausage. Now we take our dogs hunting as evidenced below. They have never seen a deer unless you count the leftover sauage that they get as a treat. I would pretty much guess that they would bark alot prior to fainting if they came in contact with something big with horns.... what my babies are doing in this picture is slowly riding around the center of the camp ground with Stanley going about 2 miles a hour... they are hunting, hunting for leftovers.

Last but not least is a picture of Stanley with his 'baby'. Words cannot express how spoiled this dog is for Stan. She weighs 55 lbs now but will always be known as "the baby".

I hope you enjoyed the visit to our home away from home. If you get a chance read Retirement home part 1 to fully appreciate what we have here. Honestly Stan has done an incredible amount of work on his camper and it is comfortable... the spiders are few but still there and I am always on the hunt for one. I have yet to see a roach and no mice. Folks you haven't really lived until you go to sleep wrapped up in bulldogs on a bed slightly bigger than a single. Have a lovely day.
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