For those of you who have trouble with coveting what your neighbor has maybe you should just pass on by to another blog. I sure do not want to be the cause of you having the 'I-wish-I-had-what-she-has' coveting bug.... It is ugly to be jealous. For those of you pure of heart feast your eyes on this.....MY NEW RETIREMENT HOME IN MISSISSIPPI. Stan is a member of a hunting club and picked up this little white beauty for a SONG!!!!! He wanted to make it more roomy so he added the addition(the black part) this summer so that we could have a more formal area to entertain.(I do so love to entertain)

You enter in the white door and find yourself in the den then go thru another door to the kitchen. It has hot running water, a gas stove(the burners work...woohooo) and take a quick right into the refrigerator.

Now between the stove and the refrigerator is the bed. Its a pretty tight squeeze when you count on me, Stanley and the dogs but is is really really cozy. The guest Bedroom is directly above the bed in the loft... if you look close you can see it.

Here is the best part. The john. Its kind of narrow so you sorta have to have your pants down before you go in and if you have larger thighs you have to kinda stand to clean .... if you get my drift. BUT it also is a shower.... you just pull the curtain around and let 'er rip with the hot water. To save time you could go and wash at the same time.

I can just imagine what you all are thinking. It's hard not 'git the envy' on but you know what.?!?! You all are KIN, or friends, or kin of friends so ya all can just come on down and visit when we retire. Stan and I are thinking about renting it out for the next few years.... you know put it on one of those time share thingies... maybe I could retire early... but since you all are friends you can come and stay for free!!!!!
watch out for tomorrow and retirement home part 2 will be out with additional pictures
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