The Non-Wedding Weekend Entertainment Part 2: Painting with a Twist
After the swamp tour we went back to the hotel to rest and prepare for our evening entertainment. Becky turned me on to the idea of Painting with a Twist. PWAT is a local business that caters to wanna be Picassos. Who like to drink. I know you shouldn't drink and drive but now I am seeing the wisdom of not painting while you drink. Oh my goodness we had fun. We had a preset picture that PWAT prepares ahead of time by just outlining the basic part of the pic. They then attempt to teach you to paint. Kudos to the teacher that night who was responsible for a group of 12 drinking adults. We managed to do credible pictures and kept most of the paint off of ourselves. Rick decided he didn't like the presented picture and talked the instructor into letting Bryan and him do their own thing. My sister Barb started out painting the preset picture and then when her black border got too large she just went with the flow and did an abstact that I wish I had kept
I have been a nurse for 45 years and have the sore feet to prove it. I was married(for 39 years) to Stanley. He passed away this last May. I have two children: Rebekah(married to Shane) who is mother to Winston and the twins Patton and Aster and Joshua who is daddy to Aries and Allison. My daughter is a nurse practitioner and my son works in the hospitality field. I have two dogs who rule the roost in my home! I started writing my blog to keep family informed about my daughter's wedding and have kept it up with political comments, things that irritate me, and just whatever strikes my fancy. I have a life filled with work, joy and sometimes sadness. I hope that in reading my blog you can laugh at what life leads my way and empathize with the rare sorrow that happens.
Great weekend and great pics!
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