Saturday, May 31, 2008
Valuable Makeup Tip
hugs to all
ER Pet Peeve #2 thru #7. We Are Not Stupid
Peeve 2: the more you explain in lengthy detail the cause of your back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain etc...... from 20 years ago AND you come in carrying your MRI Scans, CT Scans and previous doctor reports from 10 years ago, the more WE know you are seeking medication of the narcotic variety. We are not stupid and we are very busy. We would really respect you more if you said " hey I am addicted to Lortabs and ran out yesterday can you refill a hundred for me"? You are not going to get them but your chances of getting them with that 30 minute story you have memorized, isn't going to get you pills anyway.
Peeve 3: When you travel all the way from the other side of New Orleans to Houston to see your doctor once a month for your 120 Lortab 10mgms and your 90 Soma 350mgms AND you go with a van full of people to the same doctor you cannot convince us that you are not addicted. You are addicted and probably giving half the prescription to the van driver. You are also hitting doctors in the surrounding states as well, once a month for the same prescriptions. You don't use your state card or insurance card so that it can't be tracked, because these paragons of the medical community only take cash.
Peeve 4: To the above mentioned person in peeve 3: When you get your medication it is not smart to take A LOT of each one for fun because you end up in the ER with breathing problems. Don't tell us that "I only took one of each pill" because it took 3 doses of Narcan(a narcotic antagonist) to get you to even open your eyes. Take note, we WILL drug test you, we will count your medication to see how much is missing AND we are not stupid.
Peeve 5: Again refer to peeve 3.... get a job. I am tired of being responsible for you. You have a medical card that you are using to pay for the ER visit and I help fund that with my taxes. Oh I am sorry I forgot you CAN'T work because when you were 20 you hurt your neck(or back or shoulder) and you have pain that requires taking Lortabs and Somas on a daily basis. Remember though, we know that you are sitting in a crowded vehicle with many others going from state to state to get your medication refills. Surely you could find a job that requires less effort.
Peeve 6: To any of you healthy individuals that present to any ER with a medical card and disability medicare benefits.... do not brag to the nurses about the jobs you are doing "off the books" so that you won't lose your check. I am tired of supporting your lying,cheating, lazy butt. There are people out there who really need help and can't get it.
Peeve 7: (the last for rant is almost over) No, I do not believe, nor will I ever believe that you dropped all 100 of your pain pills in the toilet while you were putting on your false eyelashes. Take note: unless you drag your dead or stoned dog( or cat) in here I will not believe that they consumned all your medication. I AM NOT STUPID!!!!
To my two faithful readers, every once in a while I get irritated when I am confronted with system abuse. I am tired of my money supporting the dead wood, cheating, scum bags of society. I want my money to go to those people who are truly unable to work,for those who work hard but don't make enough for health care, and for the elderly.
Later to you all
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
A Good Man Died Last Sunday....
Sarah the only thing that I can say that would offer any comfort is that the best of him is in your three beautiful daughters and your granddaughter. Leigh, Lexie and Audrey you had a wonderful father and he taught you honor, dedication and a zest for life. He was so proud of all of you.
Steven Billeaud was a good man.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Just a Question
I remain continuously surprised
hugs to all
Friday, May 16, 2008
Elite School And Cornerstone Dance Theatre

Last October 2007 Joshua and Desiree were being booted out of their previous building... they however weren't aware that it was happening. We suspected that the owners of their previous building had sold but they wouldn't admit it and wanted to continue to charge the kids rent... "bastids" ...I accidentally found out and told the kids to move right away. They went out looking and found this fabulous building with 6500 square feet. Actually what happened was Joshua found a church and close by a street named Luke.... he felt it was a good omen and tada... there was the building. The above pic is the lobby and the office

This is the finished product in less than a week. This was an effort of both Des and Joshua and the families. The studio has three rooms the main room is a 50 by 50 room that is used for the main

The main room looked alot like the back room and they got in there with black and white paint and made it look wonderful in about a week. I have never seen work done so fast or so well.

They have created such a beautiful space and have a group of dancers that take my breath away. They have an Elite show coming up the 12th of June where all the school dancers including the Cornerstone members will perform. Our baby dancers are just wonderful. Cornerstone will have a performance in October and in February of each year featuring the junior and senior company dancers and select professionals from around the country. I am a proud mother and board member as if you couldn't tell. We are taking donations for our Cornerstone Student dancers. Since Cornerstone is a non- profit company any donation that is given is tax deductible. A lot of our students are financially strapped and need support. Please consider us if you have an excess of money and just need to give it away. Our students would be so very, very, grateful. God Bless,
Mama Deb( what the Elite students call me)
Monday, May 12, 2008
May 12 Letter to Mom
I miss you, it's been 6 years since you died and I think about you all the time. My children have certain characteristics that remind me of you and I find myself smiling with good memories. I spent Patti's birthday in Illinois with everyone but Joshua, Mark, Robbon and Stan. You will be so pleased to know that we are all close. My sisters and I love each other like you would have wanted us to. In fact its because of you that we are so close.... you made us 'family'. You being you gave us the example that family is everything and I am so grateful to you for that. You will be happy to know that Patti reminds me of you and Barbara reminds me of Edna. It's a hoot when we are together.... I don't know who I remind people of but usually they say it's you. Because of circumstances we have rekindled a relationship with Jo Anne. I know that you would have approved because she needs us. She doesn't have family like we have. Mark and Robbon have two children... two beautiful girls Mia and Ashley. Carrie and Ben have three boys: Joel, Drew and Evan. Mindy is still just as sweet and you should see Suzanne..... Mom she is just beautiful. Barbara and Bob are such wonderful grandparents. Patti and Jack are grandparents as well. You remember Chris's little girl? Well Chrystin( I never can spell that right) is a beautiful young lady. Chris has a new wife Jen and thru her you have 2 new great-grandsons, Malcom and Keenan. Mom you are probably busy up there but keep your eye out for Chris's kids till he and Jen can get custody of all of them. Jenny and Brandon have little Ian( like your name Ina) who is a trip. You would have absolutely adored him. They are trying for another one so like the last time when Jenny was pregnant... keep watch over her. Your youngest grandchild Rebekah is getting married to a wonderful young man named Shane. Oh Mom you would just love him. He makes Becky laugh and really really loves her. Becky is a nurse now. Mom she is just beautiful and so smart. I am in awe of her. I know that you walk with her and give her help when she is tired and discouraged. Joshua is doing well. He says he is never getting married. He got a tattoo.... I know that you weren't crazy about them but I actually like them. The one on his chest is about you. It's a small cross with GL3 under it. ... stands for Great Lord God Loves Grandma Lucky. He is such a beautiful dancer and Mom he finally owns his own business with Desiree Doucet, his partner. I believe that each time he dances that you see and that you are proud and that you give him wings. Mom I love you today as much as I did when you were here. You were the best.
Love, Debbie