Thursday, December 27, 2007
Stanley and Presents
I am a present hog. I love presents. I love to open doesn't have to be much, just paper and tape and I am in my element. So yesterday I reached a new maturity level after 56 years. I asked Stan if he had finished shopping for me and he said he had a few little things and I sat there thinking about the gas he just put in the car and the fact that I know he is just going to do the oil for me and I told him that what he has was enough. He got pretty quiet and it is hard to figure out what a man is thinking.... he probably thought it was a trick statement that what I really meant was that he had better get his butt to the closest jewelry store... but Stan if you are reading this.... you gave me the generous gift of your time yesterday without complaint, ran me all over town, fed me breakfast, gassed me up and I just know that the oil is going to be fixed AND you are shopping for all the food we are going to be eating at our home with our friends... so sweetie you have done enough.
I love you, Merry Christmas.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas 2007
This year I have been thinking about my mom and really really missing her. Maybe it was getting the tree ready and looking at the ornaments that she gave my kids when they were born or maybe it was just that I can remember that she made our Christmas's special or at least in my child mind they were always the very best. I was on the way to work tonight and Silent Night was playing and I nearly had to pull over. I was transported to Hoge Memorial Church at the midnight service holding a candle with my grey palazzo pants on and my white silk shirt with my amber beads on. I must have been a 'babe' back then. We were singing and mom looked over at me and said you look so pretty tonight. I can still see her looking at me like I was just beautiful. It made me teary to remember that look in her eyes. My memory, my holiday, my joy. I look at my children and see my mom in them. My son has a kindness and a love that comes from her and he is alive today because of her steadfast prayer and belief in God. In my beautiful daughter she graced with honor, and trust. She is such a confident young woman and filled with compassion like my mom. I believe that my mom gifted me with the love of laughter and family. She loved her girls. We were the most important aspects in her life, and what she did and who she was, was largely for us. While preparing for this blog I was taking pics of the ornaments that she gifted my children with when they were born. They are not crystal, made of gold or silver but they are angels for my angels. They didn't cost much but I still have them and they go on the tree each year and will go to my children to put on their tree, their first tree gift from a loving grandma. As I was taking shots I found several ornaments that I had as a child that still grace my tree. One is broken but it has a place of honor. My memory, my joy. Then in my picture taking tour I tried to find the ones that belong to my kids from grade school. I found two that Rebekah made but couldn't find the apples that Josh brought home in second grade. After perusing the pics I did see the apples tucked into the tree but they didn't make this blog.
This little blue angel was for Joshua on his first Christmas and he still looks for it each year
Becky was gifted this on her first Christmas, an angel for an angel.
This is an old Christmas Ball from when I was a child. It's really not pretty anymore, except to me. My memory and my joy.
These next two are from Becky in the first and second grade. How priceless they are to me.
This is my season of the year. I am at my best, my tiredest and my happiest at this time. I exist on no sleep, worry that the food wasn't right, wishing that I could do more and give more and be more. And I love it. I regret getting older because I will have to turn the reins over to my children and maybe will in that time be glad to do so but for now from my tree to yours, from my house to yours, and mostly from my heart to yours Merry, Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year. May our Lord reside in your homes to guide each of you this new year.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Wedding update vs. prednisone euphoria
Becky and I then went to the Hilton and looked at the rooms and what they had to offer and got a contract. We have ROOMS!!!!!! We have a CHURCH!!!!!!!!! We have a wonderful ROOM PLANNER!!!!!! I was fairly dancing with delight. We sent downstairs to eat at the restaurant and prior to getting served she announced that the restaurant just wasn't working for her. Now in good sense.... what the hell did that mean?? She said that she wasn't feeling 'IT' and about that time the waiter came and we ordered. After all they have food, it doesn't smell bad, the service seemed lovely, the plates were clean and most important it was raining outside and it was dry inside....what's not to like?? We ate a good lunch and she drove me home. About that time the rain stopped, the sun came out all which spoke to me as a positive omen to go to Walmart. So I followed her in my car and off we went. On the way over I called my nurse practitioner the most awesome Aimee Guidry, to let her know that it was probably in my head but I was really feeling great, I had lots of energy...still hurt but it was better. She let me know that I might be getting mean due to the predisone....more than normal apparently but who cares. I don't see the attraction to narcotics when prednisone is available.... that stuff rocks. That night I emailed everyone about the hotel plans went to bed and woke up the next morning feeling better than I have in months. You know when someone gets a little tipsy and does some 'drunk calling'? Well I was in my car at 730am jetting off to JC Penney's to Christmas shop, prednisone text messaging multiple parties on my cell about how much I LOVE this stuff. They were all SO glad to hear from me that early in the AM. I am still in the best mood.... a little manic but whoo hooo.... I can jump rope..... (watch for that news item in the January blog. ) I may be a tad more snippy but generally I am feeling kindness towards most, I seem to be a happier, nicer person at least to me .... and no one else matters...... I LOVE THIS STUFF.
So what it seems that a combination of the prednisone and the fact that we have a church, rooms and all.... has just put me in the best of moods. Just in time for Christmas.!!!! Speaking of which I had a Christmas letter ready to go and my home computer has eaten my kodak picture site... I can't pull the needed pics up so my letter will have to wait(normally this would have reduced me into a spasm of tears but thanks to Ms. Prednisone I am still HAPPY)
You are all in my HAPPY thoughts tonight. God Bless
Delta Festival Ballet Co. and 2007 Nutcracker and Josh

Okay I have to address this issue. I have tried being modest.....but I HAVE BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN. There, it's out in the open I have said it and I meant it , every single word. I wish I could say that they look like me but they really do take after their daddies. I am not crazy about the shade of blush Joshua is wearing but hey it looks good on stage!!!

Friday, November 23, 2007
Retirement Home Part 2
When you start to feel overproud about your home then sure enough someone else moves in and does their place up nice like yours.( I think they must have some envy going on) The community of hunters mostly live in vacation homes like the one below.

Last but not least is a picture of Stanley with his 'baby'. Words cannot express how spoiled this dog is for Stan. She weighs 55 lbs now but will always be known as "the baby".

Retirement Home Part One

Here is the best part. The john. Its kind of narrow so you sorta have to have your pants down before you go in and if you have larger thighs you have to kinda stand to clean .... if you get my drift. BUT it also is a shower.... you just pull the curtain around and let 'er rip with the hot water. To save time you could go and wash at the same time.

watch out for tomorrow and retirement home part 2 will be out with additional pictures
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving and Things for which I'm Grateful
During this same time I would walk into the house and start to cry for no good reason... maybe the sink was full or there wasn't enough milk for my coffee..WHATEVER .. and this brings me to the #2 thing I am thankful for and that is Stan. Nearly 28 years of marriage has taught this man to make sympathy noises and to stay out of the way AFTER he has done the hug, shoulder patting thing. He really makes an attempt to find out what is wrong and pretty much knows whatever it is is made much worse by the fact that I don't feel well. This time he convinced me to go with him to his hunting lease in Mississippi for my two days off( my next post will be about the hunting lease with pics... not to be missed!!!)AND he sweetened the pot and volunteered to get my 23 boxes of Christmas decorations out of the attic when we got back. This is really huge because just seeing the multiple boxes of Christmas things makes his blood pressure go up! Stanley cooks. Isn't that the best thing. He really cooks well. Not only that but he can hunt for our food if necessary. One of my best Thanksgiving/Christmas time was in Texas and my Mom was staying with us. Stan killed a wild turkey and we stuffed it with wild rice dressing. It was fabulous and mom talked about that meal for years. Stanley loves me too..... and at one point I think he would have beat someone or something up for me just to make me feel better. Thanks God for Stanley.
The next thing I am thankful for is my children. When I was feeling really bad and still at work my daughter came to visit me with Shane. Now the big thing here is that she had gotten off at 11 from her bad night to come and give me a kiss and a hug and to tell me that she loved me. It made me cry. A lot. Joshua had been hugging me a lot the first day or two I was sick and made all the good noises. The day after Becky came to see me, Joshua came upon me sitting eating cereal with the tears rolling down my face.... and he yelled at me. That made me cry more but I listened to what he had to say and it was good. I needed to get off my butt, start exercising, stay on my diet and get enough rest and STOP crying!!!. Sometimes yelling is really good and Joshua picked a good time because I woke up feeling better, and was able to talk again. I know that my kids love me and would go the extra mile if I needed it. I am so grateful that God picked just those kids for me. I look at my children and the people that they have become and I am so happy that I have had part in developing who they are. My 'babies' are my joy. Thanks God!!!
Well let's see.... I am thankful for my sisters, husband, kids... that is a pretty short list(it is the most important) so let me just name a few more items..... I am also thankful that I can still get up and go to work, that I have a job that I enjoy, that I have dogs who make me laugh, that I CAN laugh at most anything especially myself, that I have a house to live in, and that I love holidays. I am thankful for the food at my table, my patio, my new tennis shoes, Gavalia coffee, and my tap shoes and Ebay. I am thankful for my country, my freedom, my health and most of all Jesus.
Thanks God!!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Natural Disasters, Sisters and Donuts
My sister Patti is with the Red Cross in fund development. I am so proud of her. She is in charge of fund development in L.A. and will be out in California till the first week of November. As far as I am concerned they couldn't have anyone any better for the job; she is smart, a go-getter and truly cares about the people that her efforts will serve. I am in awe of what she is doing. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!
My sister Barbara last week suffered her own disaster when she broke her left arm high up on the humerus. She was running to answer the phone(I was calling) and she fell down and broke her arm... kinda makes me responsible. She is healing as I write. More importantly she is very positive about what is happening to her. She told me the other day that Joshua had called and prayed with her and she really felt a change in her attitude. So YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!
Now on to me. I made the mistake of watching Mega Disasters on the Discovery Channel. It was talking about the Yellowstone National Park and how its just one big ass volcano and it isnt dead. I never really gave Old Faithful much thought other than to think how cool it was that you could set your watch by the guyser. Old Faithful is just a hint of what is teaming below the surface( i think they said 5 miles?) There is a HUGE lake of lava just waiting to explode. If it does, well then.... poof..... no more bread basket in the US or Canada. It also was clear that if it erupts there will be no more animal or people for hundreds of miles and then the world changes in that the weather will cool all over and crops will fail, droughts will happen, nothing grows people will die and on and on and on. Al Gore will never get over it if the earth doesnt heat up.... that would be the ONLY good side to an mega eruption. You notice how I talked about the bread basket region in the US and Canada.... follow my train of thought here... mega eruption> no more bread basket>no more wheat> NO MORE DONUTS. That morning I went into the Winn Dixie to get my supplemental fruit and veggies for my diet. I passed by the donut section that they prepare in the store and they had 4 french crullers in the case. They are my most favorite donut. I stood there for at least 5 minutes trying to figure out a way to justify getting all four and snarfing them down in the car before I got home. I took the high road and walked on by. THEN I see the mega disaster show. BINGO....I had my justification..... What if.... are you following me here?..... what if the big one happens and there will never ever be any french crullers again. I just gave up my last opportunity to eat one. I almost went back but I was too depressed about the big ass volcano to move.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Happy Birthday Rebekah!!

When I was pregnant with Beck we didn't get to find out the sex like you do now. I just know that I was huge and everyone including my doctor said I was having a boy, a big boy. Imagine my surprise when I had my black haired baby girl that was so chubby her nose had disappeared. I remember Stan leaning over the bassinet in the delivery room and said "well she is a girl but she is big enough to carry a foot ball". He got on the phone and called everyone to tell them what a beautiful baby girl he had. Her brother Joshua was thrilled because he had prayed nightly for a baby sister. I never found out why he didn't want a boy. When I called him he was so excited..... Mommy I'm praying for a pony next!!!!!
All kidding aside, as I said before she is my joy. If I had drawn a blueprint up for a daughter she would have been beyond my wildest hopes. I was given a much greater gift than I ever dreamed I would have. She is my inspiration as I watch her go thru life. She has an incredible sense of humor, a dry wit and a wonderful outlook on life.
Becky my darling daughter thank you so much for the past 26 years, sharing your life has been an adventure. I am so very proud of you. Each day is a gift and I am thankful to God for you. You shine outside and in..... Happy Happy birthday, you are so very loved.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
ER Conversation, White Castles and Billy Graham
When I mentioned White Castles, Dr. Boles told us a true story that happened to her as a resident. Apparently there was this huge lady who came to the ER via ambulance because she thought she had cancer and was rotting. Doc said she easily weighed 400+ pounds and overflowed the stretcher and when she passed she indeed smelled the rotten flesh. What Dr. Boles found when she examined her was a badly decomposed White Castle under her left breast that had infected the area under her breast and had caused the skin to slough off. A WHITE CASTLE.... why couldn't it have been a Big Mac or a Wendy's Single. Apparently ONE AND A HALF WEEKS earlier her family had come by and brought in dinner....... and she LOST one under her breast.!!!!!!!!!!! She said that it was obvious she didn't bathe much..... what gave them the first clue???...... ummmmm maybe the WHITE CASTLE UNDER HER TITTY..... gross, gross, gross.
It is going to take some time before I will be able to eat a rat burger without thinking about this story..... talk about an appetite killer.... too bad it couldn't have been liver and onions..... cause I hate liver and onions.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Pet Peeves part 1 Body Part Names
In the last post about Karma my niece left me a comment wondering if I take the same care of my non-mice clients. Of course I do silly girl... as long as they, as adults, can present to the ER and talk about their ailing body parts sans nicknames.
This problem is a daily occurrence and reigns as one of my top pet peeves( and I have many)
Example: Large adult male(macho type) presents to the ER.
Me: what can I help you with?
Him: I have a problem
me: yes?
him: Its ummm (and vaguely waves his hand downward) there...down there
You cannot hand me an opening like this and expect me not to act on it!!!!
me: Looking to his feet....did you sprain your ankle...and looking really really sincere and puzzled.
him; ummmmm no..... my private
me: your private WHAT????
him: my private know.....
me: Ohhhhhhhhhh you mean your PENIS or your TESTICLES?
him: uhhhh yeah
me: Which is it your PENIS or your TESTICLES or both your PENIS and your TESTICLE... ( looking innocent and very very sincere)
him: its my rod.
Me: ahhhhhhh the PENIS. Now we are getting somewhere. What is wrong with your penis
Him; Well he(that is a quote)has a burn and a drip
Okay you get my drift... and that conversation really happened and ones like it happen ever day. I figure if you can take your rod out to play without 'his' coat on you can at least say the name PENIS without embarrassment.
Men are really bad about this. They come in telling me that, (I am inserting penis names here) rod, the big man, peter, by best friend, timmy, mr. wiggles, and names like that.... has a problem... they talk in the third person and have a detached air about themselves as if they are talking about someone else.
I make them say the correct name. Say penis..... say testicle..... say I have a sexually transmitted disease because I am a stupid shit and went in without covering up.... It constantly amazes me that adults are embarrassed about their body part names. It comes from childhood. I remember when Joshua at 2 came home from the baby sitter announcing that he had 'drained his main vein' I asked him what he meant and he said you know mommy.... "I bled my lizard". I finally figured out that he meant he had peed in the toilet by himself. I called Debra and requested that we use correct terms...( yes I was one of those moms)in the back ground Joshua was yelling
" I holding my snake" Right now you mothers say to your children..... penis .... they will die laughing.... and may come up with "ohhhh mommy said a bad word"
I will allow that pet names are okay as long as the child knows that penis, testicle, uterus, vagina, and breast are the correct names... and if ,God forbid, they ever have to testify in a court of law that they know the correct names. If a child can express himself in the event of an encounter with a perverted individual... it makes our job so much easier.
Women also do the down there thing or the privates thing when they come in the ER. I had a lady say to me, when I questioned if the boil was on her Labia, "huh they let you all talk dirty in here"... I had a lovely young lady come in and tell me she had a boil on her PUBLIC AREA ( not pubic and probably not a mispronunciation the way she was acting)..... she at least tried bless her little loose heart.
Now you adults in the privacy of your own home make up all the names you want. Mr. Wiggly can play with Mutt, Jeff and Ms. tweedy bird ( don't be coy I know you can figure that out) but when you enter the ER.... PLEASE use the correct term.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Saving lives and good karma
A few years back I was at work and had to use the bathroom. I went into the john and discovered to my dismay that a mouse was swimming in the toilet. It had fallen down from the off kilter ceiling tile. Trust me when I tell you that it was only by the Almighty's grace that I just didn't pull the drawers down and sit like I normally do... this time I just happened to look over my shoulder and caught sight of Mr. Mouse. I am quite sure the mouse was ever so grateful as well. I was in a flush or not to flush. I watched it for a while...just swimming around. Thought about it and came out to ask my co-worker her opinion. She look at me like I was NUTS and said flush it. You know, something just held me back. I made up my mind that if in an hour the mouse was still alive.... I was getting him out. Exactly one hour later I went back in and it was heart breaking. Mouse's little nose and whiskers were the only thing above water... he was exhausted....his little legs were barely moving. I ran to get a urinal and scooped Mr. Mousie up and carried him outside to release him. I gently poured him out and he laid on his side for a minute and then jumped up, scampered off and just before he disappeared he turned around , sat up on his hind legs and just looked at me and I believe he waved his little front paw at me. It was a real woman-mouse communication moment.
Then last night I walked into work and my two co-workers were screaming like girls....(they are girls by the way)apparently Ms. Mousie jumped out of Georgette's purse as she was trying to find her keys and scampered across the desk.( wouldn't that just surprise the shit out of you?) It was headed toward the end of the desk and it leaped over ending up in the trash can. I took the plastic liner out and took Ms. Mousie outside and freed her before someone else could grab her and smash her little mouse head. I had another mouse communication moment.. She stopped, sat up on her hind legs and moved her whiskers..while looking at me. I am developing an unusual reputation around here..... but you know what?.... did any of you ever see Cinderella...hummmmmm....I did and I have never forgotten what those mice did for her...with the dress and all. How about the mouse on the Green Mile.... makes me cry every time I watch that movie.
I am building up all kinds of good mouse karma, you just never ever know.....
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Hair color or What in the hell have I done to myself
Well friends I have to go... I need to make a hair appointment, Doctor appointment and find an attorney just in case
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The Tale of Ms. Puss and the Vinegar
Once upon a time( over 30 years) in a place far far away.. there were 2 BEAUTIFUL girls in nursing school. Lets see we will call them Debbie S. and Patty G.Their nursing school was a boarding place and had very archaic bathrooms..... no showers just bathtubs..about 6 or so lining the bathroom. It was the job of each beautiful nursing student after bathing herself to wash the tub out with Clorox and comet cleanser. Now beautiful people tend to be lazy (except for Debbie and Patty) who were more mature and apparently cleaner than the rest and who ALWAYS cleaned out their tubs as ordered. These two innocent nursing students climbed into visually clean tubs but not hygienically cleaned tubs and contracted ummmmmm put it clinically vaginitis from previous student bathers. Fairly soon in lecture the entire class (sans the 2 male students) that boarded were fidgeting in class trying to ignore the worse itch and burn in their nether regions or as we called it back then Ms. Puss. It was so noticeable that class was dismissed and all were sent to the student health center. Patty and Debbie were among the last and didn't have to disrobe or be examined ....down there.... thank the good lord.... as they were modest as well as beautiful and quite frankly the doctor had seen all the student Ms. Puss he cared to see. When they walked in he gave them two bags with hoses on the end and told them to douche with vinegar and water. As they walked away it hit them that they didn't know the concentration so Debbie walked back in and asked the concentration of vinegar and water. The doctor said clearly 4:1. Debbie and Patty, being the conscientious student nurses carefully mixed up the solution of 4 parts vinegar and 1 part water in their little bags with hoses... sat on side by side commodes and opened the valve. The first sound heard from both was a high pitched keening sound that would have broken crystal...... then Patty was heard going pouffe,pouffe, pouffe... blowing on Ms Puss to stop the burn. Debbie was still sucking in air in an effort to be able to scream again. Needless to say their malady was cured and they both learned a valuable lesson as nursing students.... to always verify orders from a busy doctor. It took some time for both of them to be able to smell vinegar based salad dressing without jumping up while pressing their legs together to protect Ms. Puss... and hobble to safety.
The End
Friday, September 21, 2007
Kay, JoJo, Ruth... Long distance Friends
I hadn't talked with Kay in years and contacted her by email a few months ago. .... caught her up on what was happening and got a great letter in return.... and found out that she is still one of the greatest people you could ever want to know. Kay is a successful veterinarian in Houston. She has been a blessing to me for over 20 years. She got Stan and I involved in dog shows which looking back was some of the best fun I have ever had. She gave Joshua a beautiful Gordon Setter for his birthday when we lived in Texas... Wildwinds Jazz a Bell and our first Gordon... Wildwinds Jive n Jazz.... 'Simon'. Our two Westhighland White Terriers, Carley and Bailey were from Kay as well. We were tag- a - longs but really had such a good time at all the shows. Memory is a funny thing..... one thing about Kay that sticks in my mind was the movie Dirty Dancing... I think we replayed the last scene.... remember...... when they do the great dance at the end .....over and over and over again. The other thing was mentioned in a previous post..... she would sigh.... a deep and expressive sigh that spoke volumes and usually was accompanied by an eye roll of Olympic quality..... it made me laugh and try as I might I have never been able to mimic it.
I talked with Jo-Jo night before last and hadn't talked with her in over a year....other than e-mails... she called me and was like yesterday that we had spoken. I am a story teller.... I have a million stories that get repeated often and cause hilarity when told. Honestly JoJo has provided me with some of my best material... she has some of the best life experiences of anyone I know and when she would call with her latest escapade I would be weak from laughing. She and I have been friends for 25 + years.... her brother Ed gave me away when I married Stan. She was in the delivery room when I had Becky. She is mother to 5 really great kids and wife to wonderful Perry. Many of my current Christmas traditions were borrowed from JoJo. She came down for Mardi Gras 2006 and we had the time of our lives at the parade, catching beads and drinking wine. She had a world class mom.... Jackie..... who would occasionally stop by my home on the way to Florida from Texas.... with her huge boxer in tow(Brutus) Once she came in took a look around and told me ..... "I hope to God you're good in bed because you are a terrible housekeeper". She stayed for 3 days and put my house in order.
This morning I talked with Ruth. .... another 25+ year friendship. She started out as my baby sitter for 3 year old Joshua and ended up a part of the family. Ruth has 5 girls.... they grew up with my kids...When we lived in College Station, Texas.... not a day went by that we didn't see each other... she kept me supplied in cigarettes...because I DID NOT SMOKE. She prayed me thru more trauma than I care to remember. She fed my kids fruit roll ups, raisins, and chocolate chips. My favorite memory is Thanksgiving... we did Thanksgiving together and invited anyone who didn't have any place to go.... we had sometimes 30-40 people for dinner. She was pregnant one year and called me the night before......she thought she might be having contractions... I told her she was NOT allowed to have that baby..... she had pies and a turkey to cook plus she had a hankering for tomato aspic(which looks like jelled blood) and I had made her a large bowl of the stuff. I told her to take a pill, drink some wine.... and not be late for dinner the next day. She showed up.... in labor......with the food.... She spent some time with me two falls ago and I can still see her at the stove with her rhinestone encrusted reading glasses on holding a cigarette...
My children are richer because of Kay, JoJo, and Ruth. I really love these long distance friends. Joshua once told me that when I get old that he will take care of me. He added in Kay and Ruth and JoJo( and now my friend Jill).... said he would make sure that we were in the same room together in the home. I am sure that you all are comforted by that promise!!!!!
Thanks to the three of you wonderful women... you have given me some of my very best memories.. and have shared in my life even in the worst of times.... here's to another 25 years.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Dogs, forks and ice cream

We have three dogs. Demi, my sons' dog is a boxer, Bently an English Bulldog and Elizabeth another English Bulldog. Demi is by far the most intelligent and, I swear to you, understands just about everything you say to her. Joshua has her trained to voice and hand commands.... not by any special training but just by talking to this lovely animal..she watches him and nearly always anticipates everything he is wanting or thinking about. Bently is a credit to his breed in that he is a gregarious animal and great family dog. Elizabeth is the BABY.... and she is stinking spoiled rotten by Stan. My husband Stan is a very rational, clean, sensible individual EXCEPT when it comes to his baby, Elizabeth. Elizabeth can do no wrong....or if she does, the wrongness of what she does is greatly reduced by how cute she is doing it. She devours the tassels off of his shoes and he smiles. She tears magazines and newspapers up and he is mellow. She spends most of her day on top of or beside Stan if he is home. She likes pretty much everyone but she ADORES Stanley. Stan feeds her off of a spoon and or fork. The first time I saw him do this I was stunned ...... this is so unlike Stanley... and gives a whole new meaning to feeding from the table. Now to be fair he shares with the other dogs as well. When I saw him first do this I nearly peed myself laughing. The older dogs were sitting on the floor at his feet and Elizabeth was on the couch next to him. They never took their eyes off him and his large bowl of ice cream... I called names, yelled at them and no one moved a muscle.... eyes shifted slightly to see if per chance I might have some food but darted back to Stanley... the person currently holding their favorite food. To be honest...their favorite food is anything that you have. I believe that they think if a human eats it it has to be better than Pedigree. Stanley took his spoon and gave a bite to Elizabeth which she snorted off the spoon not spilling a drop. Next came Bentley... with the same result. Demi is last and she is more delicate and she is quite frankly a DOG so she licked the spoon resulting in a ice cream plop on the floor which Bently ate. Stan was upset with Demi because she couldn't eat from a spoon..."the other dogs do it...why can't she"... My first thoughts: well she is a DOG..... they don't have opposing thumbs and most dogs I am aware of (please correct me if I am wrong) don't use silverware to scoop up kibbles. The BABY thinking she missed a turn takes her paw and gently taps Stan on the arm or stomach..... as if to say.... HEY YOU MISSED ME.... FEED ME I'M the BABY!!!!!! I was vaguely insulted for Demi who is really the smartest dog in Carencro if not the whole state of Louisiana so for the next WEEK when i should have been in bed early I was teaching her on the sly to eat off a fork and spoon....never even questioned myself about the logic or sanity of my actions. As I am writing this I am thinking about my friend Dr. Kay McGuire, DVM..... she used to have this HUGE sigh accompanied by a world class eye roll when she came upon something stupid or someone who was behaving like an ass... I know that if she is reading this what she is doing..... hope her eyes don't lock. To end this dear friends know that Demi is still more delicate with silverware but can eat off a fork and spoon like a champ. I don't spoil my dogs like Stanley does.... the only treat they get from me is sugar free/fat free whipped cream in a can. .... don't get grossed out... they have their own can... I squirt it out of the can about 3 feet above their heads( the aerosol is bad for them i am sure!!!) and they snatch it out of the air.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Elite School for the Performing Arts/ Cornerstone Dance Theatre

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
First day of real wedding stuff/ church hunting

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
As I sat and watched Fox news this am they had a replay of 9/11/01. The tears continue to come each and every time I see what happened to us on that day. I sincerely hope that will never change.... that i will continue to feel the emotion, sorrow and pain that the images give me. I will never forget and will pray on this day each year for those who lost loved ones and for all of us that this never happens again. When I am blessed with grandchildren and they see me cry over the anniversary of this day i will tell them it was the day we changed and that we lost not just lives but our innocence. I will never forget.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Cameras, eye balls and best friends
Oh bliss, the wonder of it all..... the camera does it all by itself. I hooked the camera up to charge up the battery(it didn't need it...I have only taken 8 pics but you never know and I want to be prepared) and the computer sucked the pictures out of the camera onto my Kodak site. I want to share them with you or at least the first few. Tonight I will try to get pictures of Becky, Shane and Stanley on here.

These next two pics need a slight explanation. This is one of my very best friends who tends to be slightly paranoid about having her pic on the internet. She is afraid she will attract a stalker. She really is very cute under the bag. Please enlarge the pic so that you can see the tiara she drew on top.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Future son-in-law, camera continuations
I liked Shane from the first time I saw him. He is a funny, intelligent, hard working and sweet guy(boy is he going to that THAT description) He has plenty to brag on about himself but you never hear him talk about himself in that light..... so I have done it for him.!!!! Benny and Frances (his parents) you raised a wonderful man for my daughter and I am so very grateful to you. You are blessed.
Now on to really serious things here... I can take pictures. I have great pics of the dogs... what I am having trouble with is getting them out of the camera into my computer then into this blog area. I am hoping to start displaying pics by tomorrow but it isn't looking good. I am techno-tarded. You all have no idea how thrilled i am that I have been able to set up this blog. My most beautiful niece Carrie is giving me tutorials via email and as long as i do exactly what she says i am doing great. I am going to keep a note book so that i can refer back to instructions. The afore mentioned future son-in-law is the V.P. of Omni COMPUTER Store..... So i know you are thinking.... why not ask him?.... well i would except i think it makes my daughter slightly upset for one of two reasons... 1)The volumes of calls that would happen if I felt i had free rain to call him each time i got confused( no more than 50 a day!!!!!) or 2) she doesn't want him to realize just how computer stupid I am!!
I will figure out how to load pics by tomorrow.