Friday, December 26, 2008
Letters to My Family
Dear Stan
My heart was more than touched when I arrived home this morning after one of the worst nights I have had at work. I was teary eyed because it was Christmas and I was exhausted. I walked into the house and the tree was lit and the kitchen was cleaned up and the laundry done. You knew how much Christmas means to me and you lit up the house. Made me cry because it touched me that you knew the importance. Thank you for always being there for me. I am glad that you were home this morning. It made my heart smile. I love you.
Dear Josh,
I am watching you grow before my eyes. You are taking control of your life and doing a great job. It's hard for me to let go because that is my nature but know that I love you more each day and I am proud of all that you are doing. I have watched you struggle thru the years and it has awed me that you have taken that struggle and tunneled it into your passion. When you hurt, I hurt and it takes everything for me not to fix things that go wrong but it's your job as you have reminded me and you need to do the fixing. You are creative and intense, the dark and light that make you the wonderful man you are. I am blessed having you for a son. I love you.
Dear Becky,
You amaze me. This year was one filled with anguish and joy, from the death of your friend's father to your marriage. I watched as your emotions were pushed and tossed to see you finally rise above all and take control. That you are blessed with outside beauty is wonderful, but the beauty in your heart is what makes me proud. You do so remind me of Grandma Mercy in that you have her honesty and love of life. I am grateful that you listen to me and love me anyway and that your practical way of looking at things keeps me sane. I wish for you abundant joy and happiness this year because you so deserve that and more. You are my precious angel. I love you
Dear Shane,
I could not have picked a better man for my daughter than you. How wonderful it is that you are a part of our family. I am so grateful that you have a sense of humor and find joy in life. You love my daughter and make her laugh and that is a gift for any mom. I look forward to watching your own family develop and I am so glad to be part of that. I love you.
Okay well that's it. My letters to my family. I love you all and rejoice that each of you brings a piece to the family that is unique and makes us whole.
Merry Christmas.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Poem
My son was in Iowa visiting my ex-spouse,
My daughter snuggled up to her husband so near,
My husband in a camper looking for deer,
It was Demi and I, she's a faithful pooch
As long as there's food and covers to mooch.
My shopping is done, the wrapping can wait
I have a 12 hour shift to honor this date
Our Christmas will be held in just two days
When all arrive from places away.
I hope that for each of you reading this piece,
That your celebrations are awesome so these words I do speak
That you remember the Son who's birthday this is
and be kind to each other and say a prayer for bit,
For those who don't know him, to help find the way
To really honor the Savior who was born on this day.
Merry Christmas 2008
Love, Deb
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Joshua Update and Drive Through Money Making Opportunity
Last night at work we got hungry and the only thing open at 2am is Burger King. I went to get three meals for the staff. First of all you must understand that they only will take one order at a time if you are paying separately. I have learned my lesson from past trips so I made my first order drove up to pick it up and told her that I was going to be driving around 2 more times. She kindly told me that since no one was behind me she would break the rules and take the new orders at the window. I paid with a credit card for one order and for mine I gave her cash. She handed me my ticket and somehow my change flew out of her hand hit my car and fell to the ground. I had to pull up and away from the window and get out and locate my 63 cents amid the muck on the ground. I hit a bonanza. I found over $1.50 extra that was not mired in dropped milkshake, food and gra-dou(that is nasty stuff that has no identifiable markers). Being in the Christmas Spirit and since she did give me my three orders without me wasting my gas, I gave her the somewhat sticky money as a tip. She was happy and I had an idea. I am going to hit the open-all-night drive thru places and check the place just below the pay window. My problem is how to get the money without being seen. I may have to contract the job out to a child or a short person because I can't squat and walk anymore and God knows I am not going to crawl thru that mess. I may need to start carrying gloves with me. I know!!!! I'll just drop my change myself and then get out and pick up all that loose silver!!!!
Remember despite how great the roads are up north, please pray for the safe return of my son.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Josh In Iowa for Christmas
Friday, December 12, 2008
Snow and My Birthday
I had various aches and pains during the night and awoke early. Stan came out to walk Elizabeth and called to me. Sometime during the night snow had fallen and was still coming down. We had about an inch: our entire lawn was covered, the cars were covered, the tree limbs were covered. It was a winter wonderland and I was in awe... for about 30 seconds before it hit me that I was in Louisiana and I really hate being cold. I really lost it's appeal quickly. I slowly moved my aching body inside and sat in my recliner and covered with a blanket. As bad as I cannot stand to be cold my thoughts turned to my childhood and remember that magical moment when I looked outside and saw the first snowfall of the season. It was so white and soft looking and it sparkled. I remember going outside dressed from head to foot in snow gear to keep me warm only to throw myself in the stuff and make an angel. I remember opening my mouth for the first cold taste of clean snow. I remember snow men, snow balls, hot chocolate with marshmallows, ice skating at Westgate Park, the crunch of the snow when I walked and chains for our tires. I remember just how hot my face was when I came in from the cold. Most of all I remember hoping and praying that it would snow for Christmas. By afternoon there wasn't a hint of the snow anywhere to be found except on my camera phone. Do I miss the snow? No. I would like to visit it sometime but don't ever relish living with it for the winter months. My memories are good enough and they keep me warm.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Grandma Memory: Where's my Floor
Monday, December 1, 2008
Memories: Grandma's Snoring and The Big Pin
I leaped out the other side of the bed and stood there with my hip cocked and my hand on said hip with the pin in my other hand. Mom turned on the light on about the time I said (can you believe I was this stupid?) I did it, I stuck you with a pin to make you quit snoring. She slowly turned and looked at me... her face was purple but she quietly asked What did you say? Like a fool I repeated myself. She was furious... but her voice was quiet and oh so controlled and she informed me that this was her house, her room and her bed and if I didn't like what I heard I could return to my own room. That memory is so vivid but it stops there. I know she didn't beat me and I don't remember if I told her I was sorry and I also don't remember where I slept that night. I was undoubtedly traumatized from hearing her curse and from the overall lack of sleep. Folks, my mom was a saint.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Black Friday and the Shopping Frenzy
Will I go again next year???..ummm no, probably not, unless I have a great shopping plan or wish to exchange airborn bacteria with the vast mulittudes looking for a bargain.
Thanksgiving 2008
As noted in the next three pictures, the men ate and settled back to watch the game.
Dear God,
Thank you so much for taking care of those that I love. Thank you for our freedom paid for at a great price by our soldiers. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to take care of others and give me patience and love in dealing with all people. Thank you for your abundant mercy as we struggle in our daily lives. Thank you for my family and for the love that is always there. Thank you for my son and daughter and now my son-in law for in them I am indeed wealthy beyond measure. Thank you for Stan and protect him as he goes about his daily work. Thank you for our food and our shelter. Thank you for allowing me to see glimpses of your love and mercy in the patients that I care for and thank you most for your Son. In Jesus name I pray.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
THE FOG or Maybe I Am Just Too Tired
Monday, November 17, 2008
Comfort Food
Friday, November 14, 2008
Doris Rollins
Years ago now I met Miss Doris. She was a delightful 70's plus year old woman who had never married but 'adopted' her son Wayne Guidry and his lovely wife Cindy. Doris smashed right thru those barriers that I normally keep up... right into my and Jill's heart. She had her Masters in social work and was in charge of Childrens Services for the state. She worked with handicapped children and wrote a handbook used in neonatal intensive care units. She was a musician and played for her Baptist Church down the road from the hospital. Cindy told me tonight that she had composed a Christian song that I have yet to hear. She is going to also get me a CD of her last years playing which I will treasure. Doris would periodically come in when her lungs would fill up with fluid and she couldn't breathe. Dr. N., Jill and I had a routine with her and over the years we got so fast at it that her condition could be corrected in a few hours. We, Jill and I, were her nurses. She loved us and we loved her. Both Jill and I lost our mothers and I know now that Doris had a seat in the part of our hearts that missed our own moms. During a hospital stay Jill and I got her yellow flowers..... you see, yellow was her very favorite....and you would have sworn we had brought her diamonds. She went to Joshua's June performance with Cindy. Joshua dedicated his solo to her. She was thrilled and he was delighted to meet her. At each visit she would ask about my kids and my answer always interested her and she would remember.
During some really bad episodes of her heart failure her church would gather in the ER and pray. She had the will of a tiger and would pull thru every time. She came in for the final time last Thursday morning and it was bad. She wasn't recovering like she normally did. Jill and I remained by her side and let her know how much she was loved. She was eventually transferred to a larger hospital and seemed to be doing better. Doris was a 'no code' and did not want heroics done to keep her alive. She died Friday with her son Wayne by her side. God was so good to Doris because even though childless she was blessed with Wayne and Cindy, who dearly loved her. God was good to Jill and I because we had Doris for the past few years and were allowed to minister to her. She was our friend and like those left behind we will miss her. Doris you blessed me so very much with your faith and your courage. I know where you are and I am so happy that you no longer struggle with the frailty of your body. You believed, you lived your life with that belief and you have been rewarded. I just know that you are walking in a field ..... and it's full of yellow flowers.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Water is Cheap.. Take a Bath and Put on Clean Undies
Oral Hygiene: Brush your teeth....sometimes. When you have green mossy plaque attached to your front teeth thick enough to plant flowers and you smile it is about all I can do not to smack you over the head with a tooth brush. THERE IS NO EXCUSE. Water is cheap and if you can't afford toothpaste try baking powder and salt. Cavities can make you sick. When you come to my ER I will address the issue with you regardless of the reason that you came.
Body Dirt: If you come to the ER (unless it is a true emergency) and you are dirty I will mention to you that you should bathe...sometimes. Especially if you are here for boils, impetigo, lice, crabs, ring worm and poison ivy. Clean skin is important. Water is cheap. I have had to bathe children at times before I could treat them for minor ailments. I have had people tell me that they don't need to bathe but every two or three days. Yes. You. Do. You smell. You have rings of dirt around your neck and that is so not attractive. You are not going to catch cold or get pneumonia if you bathe even when you don't feel good.
Attire: If you come for a non- emergency... like something you have had for weeks...look at your clothes. If you and your kids are filthy you are going to get sick. Water is cheap. We have a lot of water in Louisiana. If your water got turned off, take your clothes to the bayou and beat them on a rock. I promise you that they can't be worse off than they are now. There is no shame in being poor but there is a heap of shame for being willingly dirty. Mama always told me to wear clean underwear if I was going out. You know, just in case you got into an accident and someone other than family had to divest you of your drawers. I had a patient come stating she was pregnant and bleeding. I asked to see her pad(huge yuck factor but it is a legitimate question) and guess what, she wasn't wearing one. But don't be too upset her panties were just fine.... because she wasn't wearing them either. Just her nasty jeans and a wad of toilet paper. Apparently undies make her feel all bound up(her words). I actually couldn't speak for a moment. If you come in for say, a non-emergent recheck on your gunshot wound from a week ago, AND you are a 20 year old man, it is not cute to be in dirty moose slippers and your girlfriends pink frilly robe and boxers. You. Look. Stupid. Don't get upset if I laugh at you.
Body Odors: Some people cannot help certain body odors and I understand that having battled stinky feet for over a year(nylon allergy... alas a story for another day) I had a patient once who presented to the ER for bad breath... whoooo boy was it bad. She knew it and she couldn't help it. She brushed about 10 times a day, gargled and was going nuts. Turned out to be a stomach problem. I have had wives take me aside and ask me to include in the discharge orders that their husbands have to bathe more than once every few days. It takes some creative thinking to tie bathing into instructions for a welder's flash burn of the eye. You know what, you married him and he is yours to raise..... tell him to bathe or you won't play the mattress mambo with him. Ladies all I am going to say is that if during your routine vaginal exam your nurse and doctor have tears running down their faces it's not because your Miss Puss is the most beautiful one they have ever seen. One word... douche
Feet: Last but not least is feet. When you come to the ER please, please, please PLEASE..change the socks that you have had on non-stop for the past year and wash your feet. If your feet are clean and they stink than you probably have some kind of medical problem. When we have to peel those dirty, 'stanky' socks off your feet and you have toe nails that are curling at the top and mounds of toe jam, do not be offended when we scrub and soak your feet AND spray them with Lysol.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Well It is Finally OVER
We have many friends of color who are experiencing problems of a racial bent since the election. So to you sore losers in Lafayette, GROW UP. My bet is that the ones that are name calling and threatening others did not even vote. You don't like the new President??? Too bad, get involved in the political environment. I believe(I have to)that we can make a difference. Obama allegedly works for us. I have to believe that we are strong enough to make a difference. And if we can't make a difference then we have 4 years to get behind a candidate and understand what is happening in our country and our world.
The Bible says that we need to always favor Israel. I have never forgotten that and it is foremost in my mind. So Mr. President-elect, I am one, but I am watching.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Making Selfishness a Virture?
When my dog doesn't eat the food placed in front of him then it will stay there till he does. When my dog gets hungry enough he will eat. When people realize that the government is not their personal sugar daddy and they get hungry enough maybe they will look deeply in themselves and find the initiative to better their own lives. You sir are going to continue to remove any possibilities of finding that initiative with your increased give away programs USING MY MONEY. I love change, it opens all possibilites for the future but the change you offer chills my blood. I can only hope that the American People wake up and soon.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
My Mama Always said.......(another political opinion)
Sometimes you don't need a PhD to figure out the best course of action you need a good dose of common sense.... and a wise mama
Tax Rebate Rant
One of the candidates is going to give a LARGE number of workers a rebate... you know the Robin Hood Method..take from the rich and give to the poor. Sounds good except a vast number of people who will get this benefit don't pay taxes. This same vast number of persons DO however get the benefits of what the taxes pay for and that is schools, roads, and the basic tax paid infrastructure of the state. So if I understand this correctly a vast number of people(at least in our state)who work but do not pay taxes because of their income not only get to use all the things that we taxpayers pay for BUT we are now going to give them a check too. Wow, that seems so, so so....... democratic.
I think that we all need to be taxed at the same rate.... 5%- 10% on everything.... nobody gets a break, everyone rich or poor pays the same percentage. No deductions just an across the board tax. The people who don't work(but can and should) but get benefits from the state should be allowed the opportunity to share in the tax experience and they too can have their welfare, WIC,home subsidies, and food stamps taxed at the same rate as us working folks... after all it is income, like a paycheck. That way the rich folk pay more because they are , well... richer but the poor folk pay the same percentage... isn't that fair??? Have a nice day.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Other People's Wedding Food
Burrrrrp, have a nice day.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Happy Birthday,
Love Mom
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Socialism? Get outta here
That is rather scary to me. I someday plan on being really really rich. I am just not sure how I will go about it.... but that is my plan. Now after I get really really rich I will set out to help other people because that would be the absolute biggest high I could be on. I wouldn't hoard it or sit in my vault counting my dollars. Nope, I plan on giving a lot away helping other people along with having a bit of fun myself with the daily massages and on call beautician.... and the occasional bauble for my wrist. When I get all my money, I don't want some jackass in Washington telling me that because I worked hard(or won the lottery) that I need to give more to those who don't work as hard as I do. For the past 25 years I have held at least 2 jobs or one job that I worked a lot of overtime . Why???? Because I take care of my own. I have not waited for someone else to step in and give me money. Now in the past when I have had hard times my family stepped in and helped but THAT'S WHAT FAMILIES DO. If the rolls were reversed I would jump in to help someone else. I want the freedom to do that... I don't want to be told I HAVE to do it.
I am apparently in the financial zone where I will be left alone tax wise because I am not rich(yet) The powers that be are going to go after those folks a lot richer than me. You know what, whether they earned it or inherited it, the money is theirs and it should stay theirs. You want money.... go to school, take active part in your children's education, learn about discipline and take a look around you at the kids ruined by lack of it. Don't expect for me to take care of you or your kids, I am already doing too much. I am amazed the number of couples that come into the ER that have never married but have several kids.... so that they can get medicaid. They don't want to have to pay for medical insurance.....BUT they have all the recreational toys that you could want, the 'camp', and a new car every year and believe me this is not the exception. I don't want Bill Gates to have to give even more money to the 'downtrodden' (D.T)I want him to be my example and an example to young kids that if you try hard, study, apply yourself that you too can gain the financial rewards.
I got some bad news Washington... the majority of the D.T around here just want more handouts. I heard an editorial the other day.... we have created a generation of people who feel that they are entitled. The give-it-to-me society. You want some of my money then get off your butts and start to work, learn to speak English(and I am not just talking about our illegal alien brothers and sisters)improve yourself with education and most importantly take responsibility for yourself. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOU.
It's sad that most are now focused on what Joe has or has not done in his life..... listen up and understand...... the important thing about that whole exchange was the answer to the question that Joe asked. The answer was that the wealth needs to be spread around and I am here to give my opinion that, no it doesn't. You work.... you earn... its simple.
Okay, I am done for the day.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Lapp/Gagney Party
Above is a picture of Bobo, me, Aggie, Jojo, and Tonya.. oh and Calvin the catfish.
Jojo arranging a mound of wonderful baby gifts.
Perry, the host with the most and his mom Muriel
The expectant parents.
The party was great fun with fabulous food cooked by the baby daddy mama Susie( or the paternal grandmother to be). They had an assortment of games but the best was the name tags. The girls made little diaper name tags with names associated with childbirth and conception on each 'diaper'. Names like vagina, rectal tear, meconium, mucous plug, penis, sperm, ova, breast, bloody show ... you get the drift. During the shower you had to address each person by their new name. If you used their real name you had to drop money in a basket to be collected at the end of the shower and given for the baby. Oh and we drank out of baby bottles which great gramma's Muriel and Rose felt was the best idea. You don't spill on yourself... personally I find it great for champagne.
All in all it was a great weekend, with wonderful food, great friends, and all for a happy occasion. Jojo and Perry have made their home a place where all feel welcome and part of the family. I was nostalgic as I looked at Bobo with her baby belly remembering, that I held her as a baby. I had a neon sign flashing in my head that said you are getting old. Getting old isn't so bad especially surrounded by family and friends like family. Jojo you are blessed in your children and their mates. I echo Muriel's statement to me when she said that you and Perry were made for each other. I am happy that my friend of nearly 30 years after kissing a few frogs, finally found her prince and soul mate and that he is willing to open his arms and home to your assortment of friends.... however odd!!!! I love you both.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Last Wedding Installment(I promise) The Wedding Academy Awards
Award for the Best Bride and Groom of 2008: (duh...) Rebekah and Shane Garrard
Best Caterer for a evening soiree held at the Hilton Hotel in Lafayette: TWISSTED SISTERS of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana. Pictured above are two of the best twisted sisters you could want!!!
Best Makeup Artist in a stressful situation... the fabulous Lauren Thomas
Best Entertainment Supplied by a Duo: Brian Wesson and Rick Green(voted unanimously by all who attended... also we are going thru an adoption process so that they HAVE to come to all family reunions)
Best Looking Trio from the bride's father's side of the family: Thelma, Elaine, and Lisa
Best Sister In Law 2008: Jessica Garrard
Most Gorgeous Cousins on the Brides side of the family :Trevor, Josh, Mindy. Not pictured but included in the award are Carrie, Ben, Jeff, Kyle,Rosemary, Lance, Gavin,Lisa, Mark, Robbon, Jenny, Brandon, Chris, Jen and Jon.
Award for the Greatest Aunts and Uncles as Duos: Barbara and Bob, Patti and Jack, Elaine and Ruben
Award for the Greatest Adopted Aunts: JoJo, Tante Jill, Ruthie and missing (due to Hurricane Ike) Kay McGuire
Award for the Best In-Laws: Frances and Benny Garrard AND Debbie and Stan Higginbotham(yea!!!! I do so love to win)
Award for the Best Dancing by a Father-In-Law: Benny Garrard(sorry Stan)
Award for the Best Support: My Spanx
Award for Best Hair Stylists Lori Lemelle and Christy Stelly
Award for Best Flowers and Decorations: Ted Viator and Staff from The Gardenaire
Award for the Best Food: Chef Brian, owner of Imonelli's
Award for the BEST WEDDING CAKE EVER: The Sweet Shoppe
Award for the Best Wedding Invitations: By Invitation Only
Special Award for the Best Supporting Cast: All the bridesmaids and groomsmen
Special Award for the Best Guests: All those wonderful people who made the day so very special
Final Award for the Best Host and Hostess with the mostest Yea!!!!!!!ME and Stanley
We had a blast, and enjoyed everyone that came. Thanks for being you!!!!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Wedding Installment #5 - The Reception
Walking into The Crown Room I didn't know what to expect. I had the best of the best decorator Ted Viator of the Gardenaire and the owner of the party room Mark Melancon who did the tables... but I still was in for a huge surprise. It was beautiful, actually it was better than beautiful. I couldn't have imagined how lovely it was. The main hallway was decorated with potted trees and pictures of the kids as they were growing up. At the end of the hallway was a huge urn with cascades of live flowers and under that was the kid's engagement picture and the guest book. When I walked into the main party room it was breathtaking. Surrounding the room were several huge urns like in the front with similar cascading flowers. The dance floor was black and white checkerboard. Above the floor was a chandelier with flowers and gauzy material draping to the four corners. The table settings were lovely in their simplicity. Ted made the room a showplace all for my daughter and her husband. We had the wedding catered by Imonellis and the food never stopped. Brian the owner of Imonellis was there to supervise and we had a wide selection of food that was awesome. There were different food stations situated around the room. We had everything from beef to pork, seafood to pasta, fruit, shrimp, vegetables and a grit station. Grits are the southern potatoes to you people up north. These were served in martini glasses with your choice of shrimp sauce or a beef sauce. YUMMMM. We had two bars and a great DJ. After the initial bride and groom dance Becky danced with her daddy and of course he cried, bless his heart which made me cry.
Down here there is a tradition that if the younger sibling in the family gets married first the older sib has to dance with a mop if he is male or a broom for the female. I had asked my Florida BFF Jojo to make a face on a mop for me. What she brought was a fully decorated head with eyes and lips with a mop head for hair. The Mop had a hat, tu-tu, arms and shoes at the end of the stick. It even had little boobies. It was the cutest thing I have seen in a long time. Joshua was called out on the dance floor and given the mop by Becky to dance with. It was really funny.
Another tradition is the money dance in which the bride and the groom dance with others who pin money on them for the honor of dancing. I really felt that I should have gone out and let them pin money on me except that I can't dance..... maybe give me money not to dance.
I have been looking forward to wedding cake all year long. Wedding cake is better than birthday cake. My sister Barbara made me promise that I would have a butter cream icing and not that Crisco stuff or marshmallow stuff. The cake was yumm. I have it on good authority that if you have feet the size of bread loaves that wedding cake does not count against the total wedding food caloric intake. Understanding that, I had two pieces. Two large pieces with icing. The groom's cake was a carrot cake bottom with Humvee shaped cake on the top with Yoda driving. Yes, Shane loves Star Wars.
It was a grand affair. I loved the whole thing. I wish that my feet had not exploded into king size because I had just awesome shoes for the wedding. But the best thing is I got a great new son-in-law who loves my daughter and she him. And I got wedding cake.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wedding Installment #4 - The Event - September 13, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Wedding Installment #3 - Morning of the Big Day 9/13/2008
I got up early and with my sister Barbara, my mom-in-law Thelma went to Salon Indulgence owned by my friend Christy Stelly. We got our big do's (I do so love the Big Texas Hair look)and headed back to the hotel to dress. Stan managed to get me into my Spanx with little problem and a few snickers. I put on my dress and felt that I looked pretty good. Now in the pictures that I have seen since I feel like I look like a brown stuffed sausage.... but my friends all said I looked lovely. That is what friends are for!! I shoved my bea-u-tee ful shoes on my swollen tankles and left for the brides room. Only a mom knows the feeling of the first sight of your daughter standing in her wedding dress. I was struck by how fast time as flown. It was just yesterday that a 10lb 9oz girl entered my world and my heart. It was just yesterday that we did 'eyelash' kisses and she crept into my bed dressed in her daddy's tee shirt(her favorite sleeping attire). It was just yesterday that she narrowed her eyes at me and told me "I do it" when I tried to pick out her clothes. It was just yesterday that Stan had to wash her mouth out with soap for saying 'som-a-bitch' to the neighbor at the age of three. It was just a minute ago that she met Shane and now she was preparing to enter into a pledge that will last a lifetime. Somehow she grew up in a blink of an eye. I thought I was ready.
Wedding Installment #2 - September 12 at 7pm. Party #2 in the Suite
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Wedding Installment #1 - September 12, 2008 Bridesmaid and Others Luncheon...and me with a broken camera

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Wedding 6 Days and Counting.... Yikes....Ike
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Tuesday September 2, 2008 D.A.G.(you got it.... day after Gustav)
With in the next few days I will post pictures of the hurricane crew. Our house is in good shape but we lost a few trees and of course the yard is a mess. Oh well, small problems compared to what could have happened. Stan and Joshua pretty well secured the house with the windows boarded up and all yard items secured. Apparently a tornado whipped thru and did most of the damage down the street. Again we are blessed. Now to all of you who prayed and kept us safe.... continue with the prayers to keep Josephine and Ike away from the gulf...... we have 11 days till the wedding. I Love you all.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Sept 1 at 5:12 AM D.O.G. (Day of Gustav)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
11:20 PM the night before Gustav
Update Sunday 7:30pm
On that friendly note..... I will close and write later. Love to all.
Update on Gustav the Big BJ
Gustav or the Big Blow Job
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Update on Gustav
Here We Go Again and Wedding Update
Well I must go to bed... I will keep you all posted about the weather and what is happening down here in in Louisiana.
P.S. Bentley is still AWOL. I can only pray that someone nice has him.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Mr. Bentley
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
OH CRAP......
Monday, August 11, 2008
Ode to the Spanx Queen
Monday, August 4, 2008
Addendum to Spanx and the Intimacy Factor
I wanted to show Stan what my wedding clothes looked like and get his approval. I put them on without my Spanx and I looked terrible. My house was cool, I was not sweating so I figured I could get my spanx on without trouble. I made it as far as my waist. I would push the fat down and pull the Spanx up on one side and the fat would pop out on the other side. I battled that bitch for about 10 minutes when my hands were cramped, I was sweating and I was exhausted. I had to get Stan to help me. I walked into the kitchen with the Spanx to just above my waist... I had the mother of all muffin tops(that's what the fat is called that over hangs your jeans)I asked Stan to help me. This had the POTENTIAL of a very caring, intimate moment when the loving husband assists the poor wife. Stan took one look at me and to give him credit, did not actually laugh out loud he just sort of turned the color of a ripe apple and started making snorting noises....... "How do you
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Spanx It Ain't yo Mama's Girdle Anymore
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Kodak and Hands Don't Lie
Hands are also truth givers. My sister Barb used to pinch the top of her hands and the skin would sort of stay in the pinched position before it slid back down to the top of the hand. She would lament that it was a sure sign of aging. I look at my hands and see the swollen, misshaped joints and it reminds me of my mom. My hands hurt because of arthritis and I wake up after sleep and have trouble making them work without running them under hot water. Yep, despite what my mirror says my hands let me know each morning that I am getting older. But you know something, it really isn't so bad, these misshapen hands of mine. It is a visible reminder that I have spent years taking care of my family, writing volumes of nursing notes, knitting untold numbers of blankets, taking care of the sick, easing the pain of others, holding the hands of loved ones, clapping for my offspring's achievements, and last but not least held in prayer.
When I go out of my house feeling good about myself after looking in my mirror, it okay that I see someone different than what Kodak sees. I feel good about me and that is just fine.